A refresher course reminding us of the importance of a person-centred approach for clinical and research imaging, on patients and on healthy volunteers, together with an exploration of approaches which can be implemented to enhance the experience of patients and volunteers in both clinical and research settings. This pre-congress refresher course forms part of the ESMRMB Clinical Optimisation in MRI refresher course series and is aimed at MR radiographers / technologists, radiologists, and researchers with a shared motivation to enhance the patient, or research participant, experience in MRI.
GREC working group (full day)
Details coming soon.
Frontiers in Pre-clinical MRI (9:00-18:00)
Brain function
Cerebrovascular function & neurodegeneration: evidence from animal and post-mortem studies
Functional Ultrasound & MRI
Imaging the Glymphatic system
Oncology and inflammation
MR in cancer metabolism
Quantitative MRI in body cancer and inflammation
Characterizing the inflammatory tumor microenvironment
Microstructure and validation
Microstructure using MRI, histology and EM
Myelin imaging using ihMT
DW-MRS for cerebellar microstructure
Cardiac MRI
Cardiac MRS and DNP
Developments and advancements of molecular CMR in preclinical models of cardiovascular disease
Pushing the boundaries of cardiac diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
Poster session
Panel discussion
Translation and back-translation of pre-clinical and clinical methods